7 Ways to use Corporate Gifts and Incentives

7 Ways to use Corporate Gifts and Incentives

Corporate Gifts and Incentives

These can be given for many reasons,

let’s take a look at the most common and typical…

Corporate Gifts and Inventives Logo Watches by Fotowatch

  1.  Thank:

    For business, hard work, extra effort, working overtime, opening doors and opportunities for you, making referrals, new accounts.

  2.  Promote:

    Yourself and/or your company, your product and/or services, colleagues, important vendors, helpful sources, an incentive or employee involvement program.

  3.  Motivate:

    For a business goal, reaching a quota in time, an unpleasant task, boring work, problems that need to be solved, an incentive program, an employee involvement initiative, a suggestion program.

  4.  Congratulate:

    A new promotion, a new account, the opening of a new office, the completion of a major project, meeting a deadline, achievement of an important personal or business goal.

  5.  Cheer:

    During recession time, after a deal falls through, after a bad sales quarter.

  6.  Celebrate:

    An improvement in workplace safety, business or personal anniversary, a holiday, retirement, a new job, a new account, an expansion, a successful project or proposal, meeting a deadline.

  7.  Apologize:

    For missing an important meeting or deadline, for a misunderstanding, making a mistake on the job.

Corporate Gifts and Incentives can be used strategically to meet a wide range of marketing objectives for

Employees, Sales-force, Distributors, Dealers, Suppliers, Business-relations, Organisations, and Customers.

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7 Ways to use Corporate Gifts and Incentives
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7 Ways to use Corporate Gifts and Incentives
Corporate gifts and Incentives can be given for many reasons, let's take a look at the most common and typical...
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